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CFPB Publishes Qualified Mortgage Points and Fees Proposed Amendments in May 6, 2014

As a follow-up to our April 30, 2014, memorandum (click here) notifying you of the CFPB’s proposed rule to add a cure provision to the qualified mortgage points and fees limitation in §1026.43(e)(3) of Regulation Z, this is to inform you that the CFPB has now published this proposed rule for public comment in the May 6, 2014, issue of the Federal Register (click here). The text of the proposed amendments and their proposed official interpretations are set out below:

CFPB Issues Proposed Amendments to Qualified Mortgage Points and Fees

Today the CFPB issued proposed amendments to the Qualified Mortgage points and fees requirement in §1026.43(e)(3) to permit, under limited circumstances, the refunding of excess points and fees within 120 days after closing in order for the loan to meet this Qualified Mortgage requirement (click here). Once the proposal is published in the Federal Register, we will advise you by subsequent memorandum so that you will be able to submit comments on it to the CFPB.

Interagency Statement on Fair Lending Compliance and the Ability-to-Repay/Qualified Mortgage Rule

On October 22, 2013, the CFPB, FDIC, FRB, NCUA, and OCC (“Agencies”) issued a statement (“Interagency Statement”) to address questions from residential mortgage lenders about disparate impact doctrine risks associated with offering only Qualified Mortgages under the new Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule issued by the CFPB (“Ability-to-Repay Rule”).

HUD Issues Proposed Ability-To-Repay Qualified Mortgage Definition for Single Family Mortgages Insured and Guaranteed by HUD

In the September 30, 2013 issue of the Federal Register (78 FR 59890), click here, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a proposed rule that submits for public comment its definition of “qualified mortgage” for the types of loans that HUD insures, guarantees, or administers that aligns with the ability-to-repay criteria of the CFPB’s definition of “qualified mortgage” in its final rule. In this proposed rulemaking, HUD proposes that any forward single family mortgage insured or guaranteed by HUD shall meet the criteria of a qualified mortgage, as defined in the proposed rule, and HUD seeks comment on all components of its definition.

Comment Period for Regulation Z Ability-to-Repay Proposed Rule Extended

On June 5, 2012, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published in the Federal Register (77 FR 33120) a “Notice of reopening of comment period and request for comment” (Notice) regarding the proposed rule the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) published in the May 11, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 27390) addressing ability-to-repay requirements applicable to consumer credit transactions secured by a dwelling and defining a “qualified mortgage.” Although the proposed rule’s original comment period ended on July 22, 2011, the CFPB is reopening the comment period until July 9, 2012, for comment on new data and information submitted during or obtained after the close of the original comment period that is discussed in the Notice.

Regulation Z Proposed Rule on Consumer’s “Ability-to-Repay” to Implement New Section 129C of TILA (76 FR 27390)

In the above-cited May 11, 2011 issue of the Federal Register, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB) published proposed rules (proposed rule) to implement Sections 1411, 1412, and 1414 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). The Dodd-Frank Act creates new TILA Section 129C, which, among other things, establishes new ability-to-repay requirements and new limits on prepayment penalties.

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